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Friday, 13 January 2012

Things Are Starting Slowly

Hello.  I have not written on here for quite some time now.  I haven't felt like anything has been accomplished worth posting.  Everything up until now has just been ripping out.  But, now things are starting to get completed.  Just silly little things but they still have to get done right!!

First off, I completed one of the lights in my kitchen.   I could not handle the brass so I decided to spray paint the brass to see if it would work.  I figured if it turned out horrible, I would buy a new one but, I was really hoping not to spend any money on the kitchen lights since we have so many others to replace.  It ended up not mattering because it worked!  Here is the before pic.

And here is the after

I'm very excited about how it turned out.  It probably looks like a quick job (probably for most people) but, it actually took me all week.  I had to take the fixture apart and then spray it over and over again at least once a day.  Here's how the process went down:

I took it apart

I hung these paper towels over the light bulbs to catch all of those drips

I really started to like the look.  

I just held a newspaper up behind the fixture to catch all of the over spray
The only problem was, with my thumb being in front of the newspaper, it got covered in paint. 

After walking around with a black thumb for two days, I got really smart!!!

Here's one more view of the finished light.  Much better don't you think?

I have one more of these brass babies to finish in the kitchen.  I just have to spray it one more time and then put it back together.  Then their will be no more brass!!!

I've also had some progress in my en suite bathroom.  Here's what it looked like when we bought the house:
Here's how it looked on the MLS Listing:
A little nicer but, here's how it looks now:

It's so hard to tell in the pics but, believe me, it's a huge improvement already.  Here's some pics of the change happening over the last week:
Here's a few before and afters:

                    Before                                                                                 After
            Before                                                                             After

I still have soooooo much work to do in this room.  I can't wait till it finally looks 100% percent better.  I must mention that my dad has been at my house all week replacing all of the light fixtures.  I'll have lots to show this weekend about those lights.  


  1. Love the light! annd the new fixtures!! I can not wait to see the kitchen fixtures!!
